Harper's New Monthly Magazine
November, 1871.

A New England Village.

Harper's New Monthly Magazine, of New York City, published a fifteen page article on Stockbridge, Massachusetts in November 1871. Already the Berkshires had established a strong position as a summer tourist destination and this article focuses somewhat upon this fact. Additionally, a great portion of the article centers upon the ministries of Sergeant (known for his work in "civilizing" the indigenous people) and Jonathan Edwards.

This article is interesting and well worth a read if you have any interest in Stockbridge or the Berkshires in general. Unfortunately, in transcribing this article to the web, the physical sense of time is lost as reproducing the Harper's design and layout is not easily achieved. In an attempt to recapture this sense of how Harper's appeared at the time, this article appears here in two formats:

HTML (web) format


Acrobat format

Both versions have the same content. Highly recommended is the Acrobat format if you have Acrobat reader installed (file is approximately 1.5 MB in total). If you do not, it is free and available from Adobe. This format is a facsimile of the original Harper's article and is my own personal favorite.


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Transcribed by Laurel O'Donnell
© Laurel O'Donnell, 1999-2000, all rights reserved,
Do not reproduce nor distribute without express written permission.
This article is presumed to be in the public domain due to publication date.